Beachcombing in late May means bundling up here in Canada!
What on Earth is GUTS?
Girls United Together Shine [GUTS] is a monthly graphic novel subscription box for middle-grade readers (8-13 years). GUTS aims to provide the same book box unboxing experience that many novel-reading children and adults enjoy every month, except with graphic novels. We aim to embrace who we all are from all walks of life. No hate, only love. GUTS wants readers from all over to find joy in reading and feel empowered in their own lives. GUTS values are inclusive, educational, and engaging—we think all readers should have access to exciting stories, inspiring characters, and captivating worlds.
We believe we are all connected in some way shape or form—whether you like a certain activity, the same band, reading, camping, anything! We know there are other comic book subscriptions, but most are aimed at male readers. We believe that graphic novels and comics are not just for boys. While not exclusively for girls—anyone is welcome to subscribe to GUTS—the contents of the subscription box are focused primarily toward female-identifying readers and their interests.
Did we mention that the graphic novels are not from one single genre? Readers will be introduced to many different genres! Each month we work very hard to bring you a recent, favourite, or newly released middle-grade graphic novel. GUTS wants to introduce readers to new stories that they may not have chosen for themselves. One month may be sci-fi, one month may be nonfiction, one month may be a comedic book; GUTS is about the quality of the stories, not the trends.
But Why...?
To give you an idea of the value and impact of a graphic novel I approached a school teacher and long-time friend of mine for a chat about this style of literature. This is what she had to say:
"Graphic novels are high-interest texts that draw reluctant readers in and improve vocabulary through the pairing of words and images. For avid readers, graphic novels expand their genre repertoire and allow them to access subjects that would be beyond their level with traditional novels. As a French Immersion teacher, these benefits are even more evident - expanding interest, vocabulary and subject!" - Mme. Kelly Beliveau, Middle Grade French Immersion teacher
Who am I?
I am Rachel. I am a stepmom to 2 humans, and a mom to 3 fur-beasties(2 cats and 1 dog). I am someone who got into graphic novels later in life and recognizes how they would have benefitted me as a middle grade reader. At ages 8-13, I wanted to be reading what my "reader friends" were into, but I didn’t have the attention span for novels at that age.
When I looked into a graphic novel subscription box catered to girls age 8-13, I couldn’t find one. There are tons of novel and book subscriptions, there are beauty and crafting ones too. But no graphic novel subscription boxes specifically. I thought to myself, why should kids miss out on the subscription box experience because of their strength in reading or because there are no subscriptions for graphic novels for kids?
I grew up in Girl Guides and benefitted from values of inclusivity and empowerment. We consistently had inspiring women in our community participate in our meetings and camps. This broke down stereotypes, barriers, and perceptions of traditional roles that generational influence may have had on us. We saw our personal and professional possibilities expand thanks to these volunteers. The middle grade time was possibly the most memorable time in my life and thanks to the experiences Girl Guides presented me with I was able to see and be the change and impact I wanted in the world.
I have worked with children my entire adult life and I even got my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Care and Education. Along my life’s storyline so far I’ve seen firsthand how graphic novels can elevate a child’s confidence in reading and excitement about the same stories that their novel reading friends are reading but they ‘weren’t quite there yet’. I was one of the kids that would have benefitted from something like this.